Assalamualikum Wr. Wb
(Tested by Me 100% Works)
Setelah selesai installasi anda harus mengaktifkan Themenya agar dapat background yang bagus, karena sebelum theme aktif tampilannya hanya background hitam yang tidak enak dipandang mata, serta gunakan Windows Loader untuk Aktivasi OS ini.
* Programs *
- 7Zip
- Adobe PDF reader
- CCleaner
- ImGBurn
- Jane
- K Lite Mega CoDec Pack
- Mozilla Firefox 4
- My Phone Explorer
- Notepad++
- Rainmeter
- Ultra ISO
- VLC player
- Win RAR
- Yahoo Messenger 11
* Services *
- windows firewall [ Disabled ]
* Tweaks *
- Boot up time faster
- Optimized boot performance
- Fast shell response
- Context menus added
- Fast internet xplorer performance
- Tweaked firefox 4
- Compliance issue solved
- clean and clear registry
- Fastest setup time
- My computer context added
- Still more for a pc to perform at maximum level..
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Faster Performance Edition (X86/X64) Terbaru 2013 | Single Iso | 2 Gb
Burn iso at slow speed, restart and boot from dvd rom.
enjoy blazing fast speed
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Silahkan daftar di tempat uploadnya supaya puas dan lebih cepat mendownload, Thanks
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